8 Fun Rainy Day Activities While RV Camping

8 Fun Rainy Day Activities While RV Camping

Rainy days are an all year event, and while most can be predicted with technology and the weathermen there are those times they come at a surprise. Nothing is worse when your RV camping and it begins to rain Cats and dogs outside. Not literally ‘cats and dogs’ but you...

5 Amazing Benefits of Renting an RV Before you Buy

5 Amazing Benefits of Renting an RV Before you Buy

There’s something about RVing that brings a wanderlust and adventurous spirit out in almost everyone. It has become very popular! So, we are examining why renting an RV can be very beneficial before you make the decision to buy.  Whether you are in it for the weekends...

The  Best No Pull Dog Leash Ever Invented

The Best No Pull Dog Leash Ever Invented

Hi and Welcome to our blog. If this is your first time visiting we are Matthew and Nissa Haight. We live in an RV and have 3 dogs......... yes, 3!  As you can imagine, we have done our fair share of research on no pull dog leashes. First, a little background on us!...

10 Simple Ways to Save More

10 Simple Ways to Save More

Saving money is so important! Since I was a little girl I would challenge myself to work and save as much as I could. It was like a game for me and when I met my savings goal, I won. I guess you could say I’ve always been a goal setter and enjoyed the feeling of...

Why We Chose To Live In An RV

Why We Chose To Live In An RV

Why did we choose to live in an RV? There are many reasons and we are going to discuss our process and why we made the decision. But... First, I would like to mention how much thought went into this major life decision of ours. We have never bought a house, but I feel...

RV Living Full-Time | What the Lifestyle is Really Like

RV Living Full-Time | What the Lifestyle is Really Like

RV Living Full-time | What is it like to live in an RV? Is it all it’s presented to be on Instagram and Pinterest? Seriously, when we were making the decision to go tiny I was so in love with the idea that I would be on Pinterest for hours. I would look at all of the...


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