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Rainy days are an all year event, and while most can be predicted with technology and the weathermen there are those times they come at a surprise. Nothing is worse when your RV camping and it begins to rain Cats and dogs outside. Not literally ‘cats and dogs’ but you know what I mean!

Now with the rain, the entire camping trip you had planned with some hiking, bike riding, exploring and maybe even some fishing has been brought to a standstill. What are you and your family going to do now that it’s raining and you’re already all set up at the campground?

Good news! It’s all not a loss! There are always some fun activities you can make sure to bring with you to pass the time. Whether it’s just you and your significant other or you have the kids along for the adventure. So, check out our 8 favorite fun activities to do while waiting for the rain to pass.

1. Puzzles

I absolutely love doing puzzles. It’s surprising how much they can actually teach you on a personal level but also the time seems to fly by with all the concentration that will be happening. I enjoy the large 1000 piece puzzles, but it is always nice to have the smaller 250 or 500 piece puzzles that the whole family can enjoy and complete in a shorter time. No matter the number of pieces, completing a puzzle can bring a great sense of accomplishment for the whole family.

2. Board Games or Card Games

Who doesn’t love a long game of Monopoly? As a kid, this game was epic in our household and we loved taking it places to pass the time. Depending on the age group, of course, there are plenty of board games or card games out there. To name a few is Apples to Apples, Cards against humanity, Poker, Yahtzee, Chutes and ladders, and clue. These are great options to have on hand. Some are for a more mature audience while others are for the younger campers.

3. Movie/Show Marathon with Popcorn/Pizza

We love a good movie or show marathon or as others may say ‘binge-watch party’. The Avengers/Marvel Movies are huge right now and rainy days make a great opportunity to get all caught up. Maybe you enjoy the Star Wars episodes or Game of Thrones. These are great options for movie/show Marathon days. Of course, don’t forget your favorite treats whether it’s popcorn, pizza, candy, or ice cream! Yum!!

4. Get Crafty! Write a fun book/color/draw.

This one is fantastic if you have kiddo’s or if you enjoy drawing/coloring yourself. The kids get to use their imagination while the adults get to step back into the days when their imagination soared. If you do not have kids, adult coloring books are great to pass the time and create a beautiful piece of art.

5. Cook or Bake a fun new recipe

This idea can be great for couples or bringing the whole family together. If you’re in an RV, chances are you have a stove or oven that you cook or bake with. For us, since we are fulltime we make all of our meals and desserts in our RV. This means we have tons of ingredients to be able to make things from scratch. If you don’t have all the ingredients, that’s okay! When it comes to cooking, experimenting can be just as fun as following a recipe. Who knows, you all might create a MasterChef masterpiece.

6. Go Play in the Rain (As long as there is No Severe weather, of course)

When I was a kid we would go play in the rain all the time! We absolutely loved throwing on our rain boots and jackets to go dance and jump in all the rain puddles. I only suggest this if the weather is not severe. Meaning no lightning, hail, or potential tornados and high winds.

7. Read a good ole book and relax

Sometime Rainy day means now is the time that you can finally relax a little. Our lives are so busy that the rain allows you to slow down. Maybe you’re a reader but with all of the craziness you haven’t been able to open up a good book, now is your chance. So open up that good book, spend a few hours relaxing and lose yourself in a great story.

8. Pamper yourself/ “Me Time”

Paint your nails, make homemade masks, and enjoy a nice hot cup of delicious chamomile tea. Rainy days make a great time for the girls to have some girl time. For the men, enjoy the “me time or guy time” during the rainy days go ahead and play games, research a favorite hobby, or build something.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these 8 awesome activity ideas that will help any RV camping trip get through the rain showers. Rain doesn’t have to ruin a good camping trip with the family or significant other. Finding great ways to pass the time, unite again as a family or couple, and enjoy each other’s company is the power that the rainy days can have.

If you have some awesome activities you love and enjoy on rainy days, please share below. We would love to hear!

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