The RV Camper LIfestyle
Amazon Affiliates - Prime
We have used Amazon Prime since the beginning of our Full-Time RVing journey.
We absolutely love the ability to purchase everything we need including tank treatments, hoses, heaters, and more to live comfortably in our Travel Trailer. Prices are way better than any camping or RV store you walk into. Plus with Amazon Prime, you get free 1 or 2-day shipping so the wait times for anything is short.
Now, if you’re Boondocking I would check out local Amazon drops or if you’re at a park, I am sure they have some type of package service and address you can use.
If you’re not an Amazon Prime Member, what are you waiting for? It’s AMAZing!! You can even try it FREE for 30 days!

Internet is one of the biggest questions New RVer’s have when choosing this lifestyle. We searched and searched ourselves before finally coming to a conclusion. We even had the Verizon Jet Pack Hot Spot that many RVer’s swear by. Honestly, we hated the Jet Pack and sent it back after it tethered like crazy after the first 15GB.
We use the AT&T Paramount Black. Now it is just called “At&t Wireless Internet”. It’s simply a wireless internet device that acts like another Phone line on a plan. It picks up its internet capabilities from any local cell phone tower like your phone would search for a signal.
We have unlimited data and can stream Hulu, Netflix, HBO Go and Play Video Games like Fortnite. We pay a monthly $30 for the device and unlimited data. It did help that we had AT&T already as our phone service. If you’re interested and would like more info, click below!
WE-Boost : Cell Signal
Since our wireless internet and of course our phones run off any local cell tower, having a cell booster was a must for us! I work from home and the internet is a necessity whether we are stationary or on the road.
We searched and found that the WE-BOOST was tried and tested by many other RV’ers, but like the Verizon Jet Pack we were still skeptical. After purchasing and setting it up, it worked like a charm. It’s boosts our Internet signal and our phone signal like it says. Couldn’t be happier and definitley recommend to any RVer’s.
Blogging & Website Design
Elegant Themes: Divi Builder
Website Hosting: SiteGround
TailWind - Post Scheduler
If you’re a blogger I am sure you have heard about TailwindApp. This website/software provides bloggers with the ability to post on Pinterest more and with a timely schedule. It saves time while promoting you’re a blog in the best way on Pinterest.
You can even use it for Instagram and Facebook to pre-schedule posts.
I began to use this service when I was in college to help with my papers. Now that I have moved on and have chosen a path of a blogger, making sure my grammar and spelling is correct is essential.
I love it and use it every day! The best part is it has an extension so it works when typing anything on the internet. If you’re a blogger, its a MUST!