Camping with your Dog | Must-Have Dog Camping Gear for a Safe Trip

Camping with your Dog | Must-Have Dog Camping Gear for a Safe Trip

Camping with your dog or dogs should always be an enjoyable experience.

However, camping season is smack dab in the hottest time of the year for most people, depending on where you live. Since your Dog’s fur acts like a sweater or coat for them, high temperatures can cause a numerous amount of problems.

The last thing you want to do is rush your beloved pet to the vet for a heat stroke or exhaustion. 

We know first hand about having a dog who overexerts himself to the point of having seizures. He would play fetch until his muscles gave out and would seize from being overheated.

We have now learned and have been working with him to calm down and rest.

Lessons have been learned by having three dogs, therefore, we make sure that when we camp these must needed essentials are always with us.

These essentials are to keep your pets happy, healthy, and enjoying the camping trip as much as you and your family will.

There are items to keep your dog cool during the heat of the summer and also keeping your dog safe from predators, pests, and more.

So, let’s get to it…

1.  Extra Water and Collapsible bowl

These bowls are amazing! I seriously wish I came up with the idea.

Whether you are camping with your dog, going to the dog park or on a gorgeous hike with your beloved pet, water is a must. However, no one wants to lug around a bowl that just gets in the way.

If you own a dog, these are a necessity!! 

To add to the bowls there is the Pet Cup. This allows you to bring extra food and water specifically for them during day hikes.

They also keep you from having to share your personal water because you need to stay hydrated too! 

This is a great purchase if you’re camping and planning on hiking with your dogs.

2. Doggy Travel Bag 

Dogs can be somewhat like children because they require a lot of things like toys, food, and treats.

These items can easily be forgotten when packing for a weekend getaway camping trip. The last you want to do is to get to your campsite and realize you forgot the dog food.

These bags are super handy to keep the dog’s items all in one place together to ensure you don’t miss a thing. 

3. Hiking/Camping Dog Backpack

Don’t carry your pet’s stuff for them on hikes. Seriously, most dogs love to work, and placing a doggy backpack on them stimulates their brain in a great way.

Dogs like to feel like they are working and contributing as a pack member. 

These backpacks allow them to do just that by carrying their own water, food, and bowls for rest time. Plus, it frees you up from having to carry everything while hiking and/or camping. 

4. Tie Down/Rope/Portable Fence or Leashes! 

For most, if not all campsites and national parks, having your pets on a leash or contained is a must.

In many places, it is actually the law.

Making sure your pet is tied down, behind a fence, or always on a leash is protection for them as well as others.

I can’t imagine losing one of my dogs in the wilderness and not knowing what could be out there that could hurt my pet. It’s also safety from other pets attacking your pet.

I have heard of many stories of dogs getting into fights simply because the owner did not have the pet on a leash.

If you’re having trouble with keeping your dog from pulling and you’ve exhausted all the training techniques, check out my review on the Gentle Leader. “The Best No Pull Dog Leash Ever!”

Safety, Safety, Safety!

5. Tick/Flea Medicine

Summertime is camping time for many people. This is also the time of year where your ticks, fleas, and mosquitos come out to play as well.

\These pests can wreak havoc on your beloved animals as well as yourself.

So having some type of protection whether it’s a collar, spray, or a monthly pill like my dogs take is essential.

Whatever you choose for protection while camping with your dog, just know something is better than nothing! 

6. Dog Bags

I know, when your camping it’s easy to think that you’re in the wilderness and there are so many other animals out there doing their business, so why would you have to pick up your dog’s poo?

Well, it just a simple courtesy for the next campers that choose that spot.

Also, if you’re RV camping it’s usually apart of the camp’s rules.

7. Pet First Aid Kit 

This one is important! You never know what could happen during a camping or hiking trip.

There are many sharp rocks and objects that could cut your dog’s paw or legs.

They could get an allergic reaction to some type of plant or bite. T

he list could go on and on, therefore, having a pet emergency kit is super smart to always have handy when camping with your dog.

9. Outdoor Dog bed 

If your pet is an inside dog and a little too spoiled like ours, sleeping on the ground at night just doesn’t cut it.

Even if it’s not a fancy blanket or bed, having something so they don’t have to lay on the hard dirt outside is nice.

We always bring their waterproof bed for them to sleep on at night in the tent. 

10. Dog Tags w/Name, Phone Number and Address

Making sure your pet has proper identification is a necessity when Camping with your dog. It can mean the difference between getting your dog back if he/she gets lost or runs away.

You will also want to make sure they have their Rabies Vaccination tags and registration tags as well.


This list is a lifesaver when camping with your dogs!

Keeping your dogs safe and happy will make them love the outdoors even more. Plus, it gives you peace of mind so you can enjoy the camping trip as well! 

I hope you use this list and have an amazing camping trip and summer with your family and pets. 

If you found this list helpful, please leave a comment! I would love to hear!

Also, don’t forget to share with your fellow dog owners. Thanks for stopping by! 

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Tips on Making Your Camping Trip Fun with Your Dog!

Tips on Making Your Camping Trip Fun with Your Dog!

Camping with dogs can be either an extremely fun and enjoyable experience, or it can be a stressful disaster. We have 3 dogs that we love taking everywhere with us, especially on camping trips. However, when we take them into a new environment, they get curious. Their curiosity causes stress because the last thing I want is to lose one of my pets.

So, I searched for many ways of training dogs, so I can stop worrying about them in areas that are unknown. My goal was to trust my dogs that they aren’t going to run off, disturb any nearby neighbors, or become so distracted that they don’t listen when we call.

I wanted to know the best ways to keep a dog distracted and exhausted, so they don’t do something during a family camping trip that causes frustration or fear. Therefore, I’ve put together our favorite things we have tried that helps keep the family and the pets having a fun and adventurous camping vacation.

1. Give them a job

You’re probably wondering, “what, give your dog a job”? “How do I do that?”

Surprisingly, when you put a dog backpack on your pet, this stimulates that dogs’ brain that they are working. They are carrying their own water, food, or toys. Dogs love being useful, especially if you have a breed like a Labrador, Collie, or Shepherd to name a few. These breeds are working dogs and enjoy the brain stimulation a job gives them.

2. Bring the treats

If you have a pet that is food motivated, like our three pooches, then bringing the treats is the greatest idea. When we go on camping trips we bring not only small quick treats, but also larger chew toys like deer antlers or a stuffed Kong to keep them busy.

3. Go on a hike

This is great when camping because you’re going to be out in the wilderness anyways. Why not take a day and explore the area? Plus, your beloved pets will absolutely love it! This is a great time to put on that dog backpack for them as well. Not only are you giving them a job, but you’re also releasing all that energy most dogs have during the day so they can relax and sleep later by the fire. Plus, they are carrying their own water and food.

If you need any recommendations on dog leashes or harnesses check out my post on the Gentle Leaders here. We use them for all three of our dogs, it keeps them from pulling during walks/hikes.


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4. Take a swim

I only suggest this is you are by a lake or pond while camping. Our dogs love to get in the water and cool off. Taking a swim is a great way to exhaust them and keep them cool in the summer heat, depending on where you’re camping. Always stay alert and aware of your surroundings while your pets are swimming.

5. Play their favorite game or learn a new trick

Does your pet love to play fetch or frisbee? One of our dogs literally lives to play fetch. We can carry a ball with us anywhere and he will follow us until we throw it for him.

If fetch isn’t your pets ideal game but running around and playing with them is their favorite bonding time, go for it!  Camping trips are great to just play and have a good time. It’s is also a great time to also teach them a new trick or game as well.

I hope you enjoy your camping trip with your beloved dogs. I know we love taking them camping and they love it too. Plus, camping and hiking creates a stronger bond between you and your pets as well as builds your pets confidence levels.

If you have anything you enjoy doing on your camping trips with your dogs that keeps them having fun, please share! We would love to hear!

Don’t forget to share this your pet loving friends and family who also love to camp!

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8 Fun Rainy Day Activities While RV Camping

8 Fun Rainy Day Activities While RV Camping

Rainy days are an all year event, and while most can be predicted with technology and the weathermen there are those times they come at a surprise. Nothing is worse when your RV camping and it begins to rain Cats and dogs outside. Not literally ‘cats and dogs’ but you know what I mean!

Now with the rain, the entire camping trip you had planned with some hiking, bike riding, exploring and maybe even some fishing has been brought to a standstill. What are you and your family going to do now that it’s raining and you’re already all set up at the campground?

Good news! It’s all not a loss! There are always some fun activities you can make sure to bring with you to pass the time. Whether it’s just you and your significant other or you have the kids along for the adventure. So, check out our 8 favorite fun activities to do while waiting for the rain to pass.

1. Puzzles

I absolutely love doing puzzles. It’s surprising how much they can actually teach you on a personal level but also the time seems to fly by with all the concentration that will be happening. I enjoy the large 1000 piece puzzles, but it is always nice to have the smaller 250 or 500 piece puzzles that the whole family can enjoy and complete in a shorter time. No matter the number of pieces, completing a puzzle can bring a great sense of accomplishment for the whole family.

2. Board Games or Card Games

Who doesn’t love a long game of Monopoly? As a kid, this game was epic in our household and we loved taking it places to pass the time. Depending on the age group, of course, there are plenty of board games or card games out there. To name a few is Apples to Apples, Cards against humanity, Poker, Yahtzee, Chutes and ladders, and clue. These are great options to have on hand. Some are for a more mature audience while others are for the younger campers.

3. Movie/Show Marathon with Popcorn/Pizza

We love a good movie or show marathon or as others may say ‘binge-watch party’. The Avengers/Marvel Movies are huge right now and rainy days make a great opportunity to get all caught up. Maybe you enjoy the Star Wars episodes or Game of Thrones. These are great options for movie/show Marathon days. Of course, don’t forget your favorite treats whether it’s popcorn, pizza, candy, or ice cream! Yum!!

4. Get Crafty! Write a fun book/color/draw.

This one is fantastic if you have kiddo’s or if you enjoy drawing/coloring yourself. The kids get to use their imagination while the adults get to step back into the days when their imagination soared. If you do not have kids, adult coloring books are great to pass the time and create a beautiful piece of art.

5. Cook or Bake a fun new recipe

This idea can be great for couples or bringing the whole family together. If you’re in an RV, chances are you have a stove or oven that you cook or bake with. For us, since we are fulltime we make all of our meals and desserts in our RV. This means we have tons of ingredients to be able to make things from scratch. If you don’t have all the ingredients, that’s okay! When it comes to cooking, experimenting can be just as fun as following a recipe. Who knows, you all might create a MasterChef masterpiece.

6. Go Play in the Rain (As long as there is No Severe weather, of course)

When I was a kid we would go play in the rain all the time! We absolutely loved throwing on our rain boots and jackets to go dance and jump in all the rain puddles. I only suggest this if the weather is not severe. Meaning no lightning, hail, or potential tornados and high winds.

7. Read a good ole book and relax

Sometime Rainy day means now is the time that you can finally relax a little. Our lives are so busy that the rain allows you to slow down. Maybe you’re a reader but with all of the craziness you haven’t been able to open up a good book, now is your chance. So open up that good book, spend a few hours relaxing and lose yourself in a great story.

8. Pamper yourself/ “Me Time”

Paint your nails, make homemade masks, and enjoy a nice hot cup of delicious chamomile tea. Rainy days make a great time for the girls to have some girl time. For the men, enjoy the “me time or guy time” during the rainy days go ahead and play games, research a favorite hobby, or build something.

I hope you’ve enjoyed these 8 awesome activity ideas that will help any RV camping trip get through the rain showers. Rain doesn’t have to ruin a good camping trip with the family or significant other. Finding great ways to pass the time, unite again as a family or couple, and enjoy each other’s company is the power that the rainy days can have.

If you have some awesome activities you love and enjoy on rainy days, please share below. We would love to hear!

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7 Unique Gift Ideas for your Happy Camper (Valentine’s Edition)

7 Unique Gift Ideas for your Happy Camper (Valentine’s Edition)

It’s February! Do you know what that means? Valentine’s day!

Now, this holiday is such a great way to show your significant other or friend that you’re thinking about them. Everyone deserves to feel a little bit of love this month, even your Happy Camper.

Do you know someone who loves camping? Maybe you and your family actually live in an RV fulltime, like us! But… you’re having a hard time figuring out something unique to get them for Valentine’s day in place of or in addition to flowers and/or chocolate?

Well, do not worry! I’ve compiled a list of great gift ideas for him and her that you can get right from Amazon.

Apparel for Him and Her!

Let’s start with some Apparel! These adorable t-shirts and sweaters are perfect for your Happy Camper wife, girlfriend, or friend! She is bound to make one of these t-shirts or sweaters a piece of her camping outfit!

For the men in your life! These perfect t-shirts are comfortable and versatile. Great for everyday camping activities like setting up the RV, Grilling, or building a fire! I Especially love the U.S. National Parks shirt. It pinpoints all the parks you can travel and camp at in the United States.

Happy Camper Jewelry Gift Ideas for Him and Her!

Jewelry is a staple gift item for Valentines Day, but why not grab something for him or her that has a little twist. Some great jewelry to show their love for the outdoors. Items can include a great watch with a compass, a beautiful mountain scene necklace, or even a Happy Camper Key chain.

Coffee Mugs and Tumblers!

What about your coffee lover that wakes up every morning and enjoys a nice cup of delicious coffee while watching the beautiful sunrise. These mugs are such great gifts! Wake up and be adventurous with these gift mug selections!

Personalized Gifts for your Happy Camper

Nothing says I’m thinking about you more than a personalized gift! Personalized gifts become sentimental items and even key pieces in someone’s house. Here are our some great picks for your happy camper!

Gifts for the Camps Cook

There always seems to be that one person who loves to do all the cooking. From roasting and stewing, these awesome gift ideas will make the camping food experience even better! My favorite is the popcorn roasting set.

Gifts for the Camping Writers and Readers

The great outdoors provides such a beautiful and peaceful place that can spark one’s creativity and provides a serene environment to dig into a great story! These gifts are for those who love to write, draw, read, and find inspiration from the peaceful outdoors.

Camping Gift Ideas for Couples

Camping with your loved one makes the experience even more special. Experiencing the great outdoors, hiking, and sitting by the campfire are memories that will last forever. Check out these products designed for couples to enjoy their camping trip together! MR and MRS mugs, Couples Hammock and the popular Inflatable Lounger.

I hope you enjoyed all of these amazing gift ideas for your Happy Camper!   Mix it up from the popular Flowers and Chocolates and get your person something they will love, use, and enjoy on every camping trip!

Happy Camping! Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletters to stay up to date on our journey, and more tips, tricks, ideas, and travel stories from Exploring New Sights. We are also on Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! Check us out! 

Thank for your support and HAPPY VALENTINES! <3



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